Fault Wizard
Innovative Utility Products Corporation - Fault Wizard, is a portable, user-friendly and relatively inexpensive system for URD primary cable fault location. It uses automated arc-reflection technology, developed by IUP. The system includes Hi-Pot (10 kV), HV TDR and cycle (thumper) modes for pinpointing faults in underground primary and mining main feeder and trailing cables.
IUP was created with the specific purpose of developing innovative products for the electric utility industry and now includes products for the mining industry. IUP has a technical staff for developing quality products and for providing comprehensive technical support to our customers. IUP also interacts with electric utilities and the mining industry in developing products in order to insure that our customers will be satisfied with our products.
hq address
2524 South 25th Circle
Van Buren AR 72956
Ships from: Alabama, USA
Minimum: $0